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Autumn Equinox

Thu, 23 Mar


Ano Ano

Autumn Equinox
Autumn Equinox

Time & Location

23 Mar 2023, 4:00 pm – 7:00 pm

Ano Ano, Bank Street, Kaitaia 0410, New Zealand

About the event

~Seasonal Sessions~ celebrate the seasons of the year. We will do crafts, and invite the sharing of stories about what this time of year means for us, what is happening in nature, and how our different ancestors celebrated this season.

Autumn Equinox is here, the days and nights are of equal length, and there's beginning to be a chill in the air. It's also a time of harvest, and weaving Ojos de Dios, or God's Eyes was sometimes done at this time of year to watch over the crops and ensure the people had enough food for the winter to come.

Come along if you'd like to have a go at weaving some (this is a great craft for kids too!), we can put them together into mobiles for the home or garden! We'll also share what we notice and love about this time of year, and talk about what our different ancestors might have done to celebrate Autumn Equinox.

Bring along any sticks, shells, pieces of nature you'd like to include in your mobile, and a wee koha for Anō Anō (timecredits also welcome).

Flick us a message if you'd like to come along

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