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Maara Kai Mo Te Hapori

Community Garden

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Community gardening in Te Hiku - Building local resilience through food security and sovereignty.


Te Pokapu Tiaki Taiao o te Tai Tokerau Trust has supported community gardening projects since 2008. Contractors involved in this project today support many local community groups, churches, and schools with their gardening endeavours.


Funded currently by The Catholic Caring Foundation, the Kai Ora Fund, Far North Organic Growers and Lotteries COVID Resilience Fund. Our community gardening contractors are available to provide support to community groups locally at no cost. 

We have a garden situated behind Te Hiku Connect on Puckey Ave, Kaitaia.
This garden has a qualified permaculture teacher attending twice a week to offer free learning and direction to volunteers who tend the garden. The organic food grown in the garden is intended for volunteers to take home, and excess is provided to other organisations such as the Kaitaia food bank. This garden welcomes anyone of any age and ability. 

A few years of experience has taught us that the most successful garden is one that starts with a core group of people committed to making and maintaining a garden together at a particular location. 


If your neighbourhood or community group is interested in starting a community garden together please get in touch:
We are eager to provide the support to get community garden projects going.
If you lack gardening skills and tools that is no issue, all that is required is a team with inspiration, motivation, and commitment to the project.


Behind Te Hiku Connect
12 Puckey Ave,
Kaitaia 0410

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