~Seasonal Sessions~ Make a Suncatcher
Thu, 09 Feb
|Ano Ano

Time & Location
09 Feb 2023, 3:30 pm – 6:00 pm
Ano Ano, Bank Street, Kaitaia 0410, New Zealand
About the event
~Seasonal Sessions~ celebrate the seasons of the year. We will do crafts, and invite the sharing of stories about what this time of year means for us, what is happening in nature, and how our different ancestors celebrated this season.
This time we're celebrating Lughnasadh, or Lammas - the first of the harvest festivals! The corn, courgettes and cucumbers are ripe in the gardens and fields, and the days are still long and warm.
We’ll start by sharing what this time of year looks like for us, and then we’ll make Suncatchers to put in our windows, using upcycled materials and pieces of nature!
We’ll have all the crafty stuff you’ll need. Just bring yourself, any see-through beads, gems or glass bits if you want to include them, and a wee koha for Anō Anō
Message us any questions & to let us know if you're coming!