Tai Tokerau Timebank
Getting together and getting things done
Timebanking is a means of exchanging services and goods for timecredits based on the actual time involved. Everyone’s time is valued equally.
With over 550 members stretching from Pukenui to Waipu and Dargaville we couldn’t manage to operate effectively without the funding for our part-time coordination team.
Our Local Coordinators encourage Timebank exchanges and support the many volunteers who make it tick. A key focus is helping people to help themselves; working alongside new members as they negotiate the website or offline participation processes, identifying the help they need and the talents they have to offer and encouraging them to make contact with other members who can assist.
Organising working bees, workshops and regular social events and personally encouraging members' participation all helps people feel they belong and thereby promote community resilience, well being and inclusion.
The Regional Coordinator is the primary liaison with the parent Trust and the national and international timebanking communities. They are responsible for regionwide communication with members via the website and regular newsletters, plus strategic planning and reporting.
The current coordination team are:
Te Hiku: Caryl Doherty Walker caryldw.tttimebank@gmail.com
Whangaroa-Kerikeri: Barbara Belger barbara.tttimebank@gmail.com
Te Pēwhairangi/Bay of Islands: seeking a new coordinator
Kaikohe-Hokianga: seeking a new coordinator
Whangārei-Coastal North: Janey Pares Edney janeype.tttimebank@gmail.com
Kaipara & Whangārei West: Viv Christensen viv.tttimebank@gmail.com
If there isn't a local coordinator in your area please contact Paula Walker paula.tttimebank@gmail.com
Regional Coordinators - Anna Dunford and Paula Walker
You can read more about our activities on our website and through our Facebook page.
You can read an article about Timebanking here - The Kiwis doing jobs in exchange for time - NZ Herald
To join Tai Tokerau Timebank sign up here on the TTT website.
A copy of our most recent Annual Report is available in pdf format here