An important part of the kaupapa of the Kaitaiā EcoCentre, (KEC) is working towards zero waste, and finding creative alternatives to plastic, especially single use.
During Plastic Free July 2017 KEC, working with CBEC EcoSolutions, started making t shirt bags from unwanted stock from the Salvation Army Op Shop (Sallies). Some finished bags went to them, some to Kaitaia Library and some were sold for a koha at the KEC. A team of volunteer sewers also began making kai tāia kete, a reusable bag, often made from recycled material.
It is disturbing to learn that in Aotearoa an estimated 4% of landfill annually is textiles, this equates to 100 million kg. 1 kg of clothing in landfill produces 3.6 kilos of greenhouse gas. The United Nations estimates that the fashion industry creates approximately 10% of global CO2 emissions annually.
In 2019 KEC started renting the shop next door as a place to hold workshops and eco events, “Anō Anō - Rethink, Repair, Reuse". There, the Clothing Rescues’ enthusiastic volunteers, began to repair, upcycle or redesign clothes from unwanted stock at the Sallies, for later sale at KEC. Other items became pet beds for the local SPCA.
In September of this year, after seeing the wonderful work of our volunteer Lyn Vos, all made from old jeans, the idea for this exhibition arose. Wile some artwork and pieces are not for sale, orders may be taken for items similar to these exhibits. Articles for sale include bags, peg bags, aprons skirts, jeans (of course), shorts, Alice bands, earrings, cushions, table cloths, mats, bunting, vases, and Christmas decorations, the list is growing daily!
Everyone is welcome to attend the opening of the exhibition, at 11a.m. Saturday, 5th December at Anō Anō, next to KEC in Bank St, Kaitaia and thereafter daily Monday to Saturday 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. until Thursday, 24th December.
During the exhibition we will also be holding workshops. Sign-up sheets and further details for these workshops will be available at the exhibition and advertised online. Many of the articles for sale would make great Christmas gifts at reasonable prices. CASH ONLY - aroha mai - sorry.
To all local sewers, we are hoping you may be inspired to join our Clothing Rescue workers every Thursday from 2 - 5 p.m. also at Anō Anō.