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Making time

Writer's picture: taitokerautimebanktaitokerautimebank

'But I don't have time to be in Timebank!' is something we often hear, but being short of time is a perfect reason to join!

Recently Timebank member Asha posted in the Whangaroa-Kerikeri TTT Facebook group:

"Are you in the Tai Tokerau Timebank? Here's why you should be! help getting things done without money! ...I just had 7 big bags of seaweed dropped off by a generous Timebank member! Feeling blessed."

Through Timebank someone else took the time to do a task Asha hadn't the time to do, and her garden will be the happier for it.

If you're a busy person and are worried about not being able to do things for other people, the most obvious way of Timebanking creating you time is by getting other people to do things on your 'to do' list so that you do have time to do other things!

But also think about things you are doing anyway that could double up as Timebank Offers: travelling between places on a regular basis and being able to pick-up/drop off people or things; picking up shopping or taking someone with you; looking out for something online; lending tools of all kinds or other resources like cake tins, dehydrators, gazebos etc that you don't need all the time; raising seedlings and taking cuttings; giving advice about something you know well enough not to need to look anything up, lending books or providing good links for information; sharing content on social media etc.

Also we have a number of organisational members who will happily pay timecredits for your support, it might be that what you're doing already for them could be earning you timecredits! If you're involved with an organisation that isn't a member then have a chat with your Local Coordinator about getting them signed up and how that can benefit the organisation as well as earn you timecredits for something you are already doing.

You might be surprised at what counts as a Timebankable skill. Check out our video for more inspiring stories!

Do you have a Timebanking Tale to share with us? Being able to share photos and stories about Timebanking exchanges and experiences helps to inspire others to get involved and provides great feedback to our funders about the impact Timebanking has on the lives of our members. Timecredits are paid for your contributions too!

Remember if you don't log your exchanges we can't proved it happened. We're very aware of other Timebanks around the motu who have lost their funding or had last minute reprieves - we don't want to be next on that list, so the more we can prove that Timebanking is alive and well in te Tai Tokerau the better!

Anna Dunford

Regional Coordinator

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