Thursday 27 July 2023 in Kaeo, end of Waikare Ave at the Eco Hub
Join us on the 27 July 2023 from 10 am to 4 pm or any time between to help us create some more of our beautiful shopping bags, all from recycled fabric. Bring your lunch and a plate to share if you like and - above all:
bring your skills and yourself with a smile: we need to cut, iron, sew, fold, stitch, organise, drive, make cuppas (maybe even help running our sewing machines?) : it really is "All hands onboard" Time Credits will be awarded for any amount of help you can contribute This will be fun! Come join us Please contact Whangaroa - Kerikeri TimeBank coordinator, Barbara | 021 149 8656 It'd be great if you could let me know you're coming !