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Writer's pictureBarbara Belger

KaiFest ticked all boxes !

With close to 100 people coming through all day Saturday 14Oct and 70+ timecredits exchanged our 'zero waste' community celebration of food "From Seed to Plate" took many moons to prepare and a powerful eclipse energy to find its place into the hearts of our ever growing group of friends and family.

Let the photos in the little video speak for itself and tell you "their thousand words"

Celebrations like these usually come with their many specific memories and one of ours surely will be the gorgeous music playing from the stage during break time - so I thought I'd share our playlist "with big thanks to Liz" !

I'll be in contact with those who came to see me to follow up on you joining our beautiful timebank whānau. Send me an email when you follow the 'join now' steps - remember it is in connection to KaiFest and the organising team is sponsoring your first year subscription!

Huge thanks to the organising team, the many amazing helpers, to the people who contributed so genereously, to the Kai Ora Fund, to organisational TimeBank members and to all the visionaries and wayseers of our times. You know who you are and I know you all think big and play huge behind the scene. Thank you Lynn and Paula for traveling down from Kaitaia and contributing so much to this day!

If anyone wants to connect to our presenters, speakers, facilitators, gardening experts just message me in our facebook group, messenger group chat, telegram group or email and I'll connect you - remember it is always easier as a TimeBank member because you have all the information at your fingertips.

Up next? Another one of our Cherry Park House meet-ups on 1st November 2023, 12 - 4pm. Come and bring your TimeBank related questions on the day. We'll let you know on here what exciting workshop we're in for this time. And if YOU have a skill to share or a workshop burning under your fingernails please DO get in touch - we'd love to have you there !

Ngā mihi aroha, Barbara

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